Thursday, June 19, 2008



The moment Saul said the words " Music Rooms", his and his girlfriend Caroline's conversacion was immediately recorded by BEATCON, the British and European Anti-Terrorist Control Organisation. The building of this organisation was not so beautiful, but it contained everything that any member of BEATCON had ever wanted. There were the latest Web computers for taking virtual trips and playing games. There was a large swimming pool and gym. And there were the the latest jetcars and jetbikes.
Members of BEATCON were not allwed to get married, but they didn't mind that. They have virtual relationships. And when they were thirty years old, they were offered other jobs. You had to be young in BEATCON. And you had to keep fit. The members of BEATCON were all very fit.
Dick Lane was a BEATCON special and he thought that he was the best. He listened to Saul and Caroline's conversation and he didn't like them. Dick knew that Saul and his girlfriend were awared about the "Music Rooms" and he thought they were terrorists. Dick Lane recorded a coopy of Saul and Caroline's conversation and took it to Captain Marrs. Captain was the head of BEATCON. Captain Marrs watched the conversation and darw a picture of Saul's head on a pice of paper. And he was wondering who the young men who's asking about the Music Rooms was?.
Captain Marrs didn't know that he was being watched in another room by the head of Contorl for Europe, the "Controller". The Controller had many ways for watching people. He watched everyone. He was the spider at the Web. He knew everything that went on. He controlled everything. Controller thouhgt that sooner or later Captain Marrs was going to create real problems with his attitud. The Contoller didn't like Marrs way of doing things, but he knew that Marrs was valuable to Control as a head of BEATCON. Marrs had discoveredd and broken up several orginised terrorist groups in the region.

The Controller pulled up his file and read it. Marrs had joined the army when he was 18 yeras old and did very well. He was very quick and efficient. Controller knew anyone who blocked Marrs dissapeared. The Controller found in the file how Marrs' father and twin brother were both killed by terrorist bom when he was 3 years old. And two years later his mother commited suicide and Marrs saw her. The Controller could understand why Marrs hated terrorists so much and why he was the perfect head of BEATCON. He knew he' never find anyone else so detremined, so cruel. So useful.

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