Tuesday, July 22, 2008


1. I think I would be Sue because I'm always looking for something new and challenging. I like to explore new things. Additionally, I also like to help people who needs my support and ask me for help.

2. Saul felt very disappointed in the beginning when Ruth was explaining him all about the dolphins and the Music Rooms because he thought everything on his virtual life was wonderful and perfect. When Ruth was telling him her plan to rescue the dolphins he felt like if it would not be possible because every thing they may do it would be watched by Control and that group would not let them to accomplish the plan for rescuing the dolphins. On the other hand, he really wanted to help Sue and Ruth to rescue the dolphins form the Music Rooms and accepted to go on the journey to Neumatt.

3. All this books was written in the future. Life in 2051 is controlled by a group from the government and people have no choice to live in other way. The government group controls everything they do. For that reason, people and have to be very cautious when they speak or navigate on the web because they are being watched and recorded by the group.

Now we still have freedom to speak and to navigate in the web without worries
We can live a real lifestyle and also take virtual life if we want
Today's world is in danger for global warm but not how in 2051 it will be

4. As I was reading this book I felt horror, I was sad and at the same time very scared. I couldn't understand how the world is really being controlled by just a group of members. I was thinking how the future would be if everything written in the book would be true. It was a combination of feelings and thoughts on my heart and my mind.

5. In my opinion Saul Grant is the main character. I consider myself some how like him because I do not believe in just what I am listening and I need to have proof of the situation. In addition, I usually try to be fear on what it is happening. Moreover, I think I'm like Saul because I like to be independent and do what I think is the best but without hurting some body. On the other hand, I do not like to feel afraid of a new situation even when I know it would be impossible to accomplish and Saul was always scared on what would happen on the next steps on his real life.

6. I just want to tell Saul that I was very surprised for all what he affronted and resisted to rescue the dolphins. Also, I'm very happy because he could live in the real life not only on his virtual lifestyle. Saul you should be happy and proud of yourself. Fell free to do what you think is good for you without hurting others.


The next day, during a LIVE concert on the web, CAROLINE started talking about Saul She repeated everything he had told her about the DOLPHINS and the Music rooms, and how they were HARMED in order to make BEAUTIFUL MUSIC. As she was speaking Dick Lane came into the rocording STUDIO and SHOOT HER


* Saul and Sue felt sad and angry when they left Caroline's house bacause they thought she will believe what Saul told her and help them with their plan to rescue the dolphins. However, Caroline didn't believe anything she was told about the Music Rooms, the Captain Marrs, the Control, the BEATCON. She ordered Saul and Sue to live her alone, otherwise Caroline would call the police.

* Caroline decided to evadiate and act as if she wasn't awared of what Captain Marrs was asking her about Saul and Sue because she knew that all things she was told were true and that Captain Marrs really existed. Besides that, she could see that Captain Marrs was very mad and probably he would kill Saul.

* Saul explained to Caroline how the world was controlled by CONTROL but she refused to believe him. She thought he was really a terrorist. She thought that real life was like in her virtual life.

* I think Saul and Caroline really loved each other but only on their virtual life. they were along during three years before they really met in person. Saul expected Caroline was as he had imagined however she was so different. On the oher hand, Caroline realiced that Saul was not the man who she was imagined on their virtual relationship.

Monday, July 21, 2008


* When Ruth introduced Sue and Saul, he thought that Sue was the ruddest person he had met. Saul said "Hi" to her and she didn't say anything. Saul thought that going with Suein the journey would be so crazy. However, Saul admitted that she was very smart and also she knew how to communicate with people without being watched by the Control.

* The purpose of the small computer ship was to help Saul and Sue to go through the tunnels with a number. Every worker in the tunnels had toi have one number instead of a name in order for them to be easily identified by the guards in the tunnels.

* Sue's husband was killed by Captain Marrs becuase he thought Robert was a terrorist. Robert tried to explain so many times to him that he wasn't a terrorist but he didn't believe him. After Captain Marrs killed Sue's husband Sue was punished by working in one of the tunnels and she and her grandmother became terrorists.

* Saul thought Sue was rude to him because she didn't answer to him the firs time they were introduced by Ruth. Sue didn't place attention to Saul, she was just working on her computer. Al
so, sue criticed Saul and thought that he was unuseful.


A) Control wanted to keep control of everything on the web. They did not allow people to use paper to write down because papers could be passed hand by hand with no control of seeing what they may write.

B) All the real work was done by people who lived in the tunnels. They had to work hard to make all the rest of people to live comfortable. In addition, this people didn't get pay and were beaten if they didn't work hard.

C) Captain Marrs started to burn the forest because he hated it. He also had burned many houses which caused the Controller to be angry at him. The Controller ordered Captain Marrs to leave the forest alone.

D) Members of PACE helped to make the fire even bigger and that caused that Captain Marrs would be in trouble but they were blamed for it.

E). Ruth was going to be hidden in the caves. She will stay there to help in the tunnels. Ruth asked Saul and Sue to continue the journeuto Neumatt to save the dolphins.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Hello Anny!

I hope everything is ok with you and your family. It looks like my family and I are getting to know the town we've just moved. I would like to share with yo an exciting moment that I experienced las weekend.

My family and I went to " Sea World" in San Antonio last Sunday. When we just got in the park, the first thing we did was look at the schedule there was and we rapidly decided to go to watch Shamu's show. It was amazing to see how the big whale moves all arround the huge pool. Besides that, I think it was incredible to believe how Shamu is really well trained and obeys her trainers. After that, we went to see the shark's show. It also was very nice. We could appreciate the sharks and we also learned about their life in the sea. Later, we all agreed to get on a few rides to do something different. Honestly that was the scariest part for me because I do not like to do that so much. Even though I was scared to get in the rides, I tried once and gave up. Finally, at the end orf the day we realized we were short on time and there were a few more shows to see.
However, we did not have time to go each one and we decided to come again as soon as ww can to watch and enjoy all shows we missed.

Well Anny, this is in general what what was my trip all about. I was thinking if you and your family may come to visit me and we all together go to Sea World to have fun. I think your kids will love it so much. I hope to see you soon.

Kisses and hugs for all of you. Your friend.....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


2. I think the wolves were the ones who saved Sue, Ruth and Saul's lives when they were in the forest. At the time that Dick Lane and Captain Marrs's men were there, the wolves atacked and killed two of them. The wolves kept people away from the forest. On the other hand, PACE members lived there because they could be hidden by the trees and no body could go there.

3. Captain Marrs hated the forest because it had plenty of trees which blocked the view and he couldn't see with the cameras what was happening in the forest. The only way to be there was riding jetbikes.