Monday, July 21, 2008


* When Ruth introduced Sue and Saul, he thought that Sue was the ruddest person he had met. Saul said "Hi" to her and she didn't say anything. Saul thought that going with Suein the journey would be so crazy. However, Saul admitted that she was very smart and also she knew how to communicate with people without being watched by the Control.

* The purpose of the small computer ship was to help Saul and Sue to go through the tunnels with a number. Every worker in the tunnels had toi have one number instead of a name in order for them to be easily identified by the guards in the tunnels.

* Sue's husband was killed by Captain Marrs becuase he thought Robert was a terrorist. Robert tried to explain so many times to him that he wasn't a terrorist but he didn't believe him. After Captain Marrs killed Sue's husband Sue was punished by working in one of the tunnels and she and her grandmother became terrorists.

* Saul thought Sue was rude to him because she didn't answer to him the firs time they were introduced by Ruth. Sue didn't place attention to Saul, she was just working on her computer. Al
so, sue criticed Saul and thought that he was unuseful.

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