Monday, July 14, 2008


Hello Anny!

I hope everything is ok with you and your family. It looks like my family and I are getting to know the town we've just moved. I would like to share with yo an exciting moment that I experienced las weekend.

My family and I went to " Sea World" in San Antonio last Sunday. When we just got in the park, the first thing we did was look at the schedule there was and we rapidly decided to go to watch Shamu's show. It was amazing to see how the big whale moves all arround the huge pool. Besides that, I think it was incredible to believe how Shamu is really well trained and obeys her trainers. After that, we went to see the shark's show. It also was very nice. We could appreciate the sharks and we also learned about their life in the sea. Later, we all agreed to get on a few rides to do something different. Honestly that was the scariest part for me because I do not like to do that so much. Even though I was scared to get in the rides, I tried once and gave up. Finally, at the end orf the day we realized we were short on time and there were a few more shows to see.
However, we did not have time to go each one and we decided to come again as soon as ww can to watch and enjoy all shows we missed.

Well Anny, this is in general what what was my trip all about. I was thinking if you and your family may come to visit me and we all together go to Sea World to have fun. I think your kids will love it so much. I hope to see you soon.

Kisses and hugs for all of you. Your friend.....

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